We are NOT going to cover "how to put together a safety team." Many have told us that they already have a team in place. However, we acknowledge the importance of this subject, and that some are in need of this kind of information. Therefore, we are going to make available a high-quality video on this topic (i.e. "How to Put
Together A Team," and other pertinent info you will appreciate, such as "Who to put on the Team," - and much more).
The video will be offered at no additional charge to attendees. You will find its contents extremely informative and helpful in many ways.
We will start the conference by posing a question to you: Do you have what it takes to serve as a Protector? This is a question that each of us must answer. Is it in you? Serving as a Protector is a very serious matter - and should not be taken lightly. If you have such a position at your house of worship, you are in the one ministry that CANNOT FAIL. Furthermore, believing that you can stop a violent act - and actually doing so - are two different things. We will discuss what "mindset" is necessary to stop those who would hurt the innocent. Ken Alexandrow, a 26-year veteran of the Metro Nashville, TN Police Department, will help you make that decision. Ken's presentation on "Mindset" has been heard around the nation. It's a message you will not soon forget.
On December 9, 2007, an angry gunman arrived at New Life Church in Colorado Springs, Colorado. Earlier in the day, the gunman had killed two people at Youth With A Mission (about 80 miles away). At New Life Church he shot and killed two sisters, and also injured their father. Several others were also injured. Carl Chinn was serving on the safety team. He will share with us The Lessons Learned from this tragedy. Carl has given his presentation to thousands, and its contents have benefitted many. His passion for protecting the flock will stir you to the core.
Learning how to de-escalate is an absolute must. We will show you some tactics that will be easy to remember and assist you when dealing with individuals who are causing a disturbance. We will introduce you to a new approach to de-escalation, called The P.E.T Program. This is an easy to remember approach, and also shows you where free training on de-escalation is available 24 hours a day - at a place you might not have thought about.
Carl Chinn will open our worship service to prayer. Colonel Grossman also insisted that he introduce you to the Faith-Based Security Network.
King David wrote these words: "...I see violence and strife in the city. Day and night they prowl about on its walls;
malice and abuse are within it. Destructive forces are at work in the city ..." (Psalm 55:9-11). David's heart was broken over the violence he witnessed in his city.
It is important that we understand what these "destructive forces" are. In our worship service, Col. Grossman will elaborate on this passage, giving us a better understanding of what it is ("who" it is) that we are up against. He will emphasize the utter importance of being "Bulletproof."
In our fight against these destructive forces, it is essential that we learn to hear The Voice of our Commander-in-Chief. You will see the value of this from one of our speakers at the worship service: St. Louis Metro Police Sergeant Charles Lowe.
Sgt. Lowe was working an off-duty job during the Ferguson riots. It was very hot on this particular night, and Sgt. Lowe had removed his vest to cool off. All of a sudden, he heard a "Voice" telling him to put his vest on - and do so now! He obeyed - and seconds later was shot several times - but saved by the Voice and the Vest. He lived to tell about it - and will share his story with all of us.
Col. Grossman will share his message On Spiritual Combat.
A CHURCH IN TEXAS IS THE SITE OF THE WORST MASS KILLING IN THE HISTORY OF THE STATE OF TEXAS. On Sunday morning, November 5, 2017, an angry gunman entered the sanctuary and shot 48 worshipers - killing 26. Officer Hank Fahnert was the first officer to arrive on scene and to enter the sanctuary. One can hardly imagine what he saw when he rushed into the sanctuary: a sight that he will never be able to forget. He will share with us The Lessons Learned from this tragedy.
If you have to use force (up to and including deadly force), your life is going to change. You need to know what to expect if this becomes your experience. Veteran Attorney Dan Necci show you what to expect. He will also touch on the subject of the Laws of Force. With different states registering, it will not be possible to address the laws that govern each state states, but there is some general information you need to know about the Use of Force. Attorney Dan Necci is an expert on this subject, and will share his knowledge with attendees.
If you are involved in an incident where you have used force of any kind, the "Three Ps" are coming to pay you a vist:
1- The Police
2) The Prosecutor
3) The Press
This is going to cause a great deal of stress in your life, and you will need someone qualified to help you. We will show you what is the best course of action, which will give you peace of mind.
Sex crimes in religious setting continue to happen at an alarming rate. They are, by far, the greatest threat to your house of worship or faith-based property. We have read reports of sex abuse happening at church camps, Sunday School rooms, and even in the church van. We will show you what to do that will help decrease the chances of such a crime occurring.
Tactical Medicine. You MUST know how to tend to wounded people: are you prepared to do so? Those who defend the flock understand that they must not only have the weapons to stop attackers, but the tools for saving lives as well.
More and more we are hearing about explosive devices, and the threats they pose to houses of worship. In early December of this year, a suspicious man was detained by police in the Ft Worth, Texas area. Officers found explosive devices and guns in his van. Police reported that he had planned to attack a local church (read story). Colonel Grossman will address this issue.
There is a certain etiquette and appearance that the church safety team person must reflect. What does he wear? What tools are ON HIS PERSON?
Where are they coming from, and where do we need to be stationed? There is a pattern that many of these killers take when they come to a house of worship.
Are you FIT to stop them? Colonel Grossman is going to share with you some very sound counsel on this subject. This is life-saving material!
Lt. Col. Dave Grossman will share his message with you, and will also have a guest with him: Texas Police Officer Greg Stevens. In May of 2015, Officer Stevens stopped the first ISIS attack on American soil. He was able to do only because of a certain "habit" he had - and he will share that secret with you - with the hope that you, too, will acquire his "habit."
Officer Stevens was summoned to the White House by the President and awarded the Presidential Medal of Valor.
We will not only learn how to create a "Bulletproof House of Worship," but also how to create a Bulletproof LIFE.
Registration has only been open for a few days, and seats are quickly filling up.
CLICK HERE TO JOIN MY EMAIL LIST so I can keep you updated on the conference. I will send you an occasional email (not often, though) reminding you about the conference. I'll see you in April!
- Colonel Grossman
CHRISTIAN SCHOOLS: If you need financial assistance, call 817.437.9693
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